So you thought you knew everything about Edcamp Boston, right?
“Oh, it’s totally at the end of April or beginning of May, like every other year.”
SURPRISE! Edcamp Boston is going to be on March 5 this year!
Q: Whoa! Isn’t that, like, crazy soon?
A: YES! We’re only slightly freaking out about how soon it is.
Q: When can I get my tickets?
A: How about Sunday, January 17, starting at 6PM? Right here!
Q: I didn’t even know it was happening, and you’re launching ticket sales this weekend? Are you mad?
A: Mad about awesome PD!
Q: It’s still free, right?
A: Totally! Edcamp Boston will always be free to attend!
Q: Will I be able to buy a t-shirt? I have one from every year!
A: You bet! Choose the “Admission with donation” option and you’ll be able to add a ticket on for a measly $14!
Q: Will there be breakfast and lunch again?
A: Hopefully! We need some sponsors to step up and help us pay for it! Spread the word! And if you have it, share the wealth, please.
Q: You’ve moved dates. How about locations?
A: We’re still going to be at Microsoft’s offices in Cambridge.
Q: Why do I want to go to this thing again?
A: Because you want to do PD on the stuff that matters to you. Because you want to interact with 250ish of the most awesome educators in New England. Because you have this thing you’re just dying to share, and that other thing you’d love to figure out. Because you want to hang out in Microsoft’s cool office space. Because you want to see what nerdy theme Dan chooses for the introductory slide deck. Because you love learning, and you love Edcamp.
Q: Cool! Sign me up!
A: Not until Sunday!
So excited for another great edcamp! Thanks for the early notice. Waiting for Sunday… then a few months to meet in Cambridge!
Can’t wait for my first Edcamp!
I am so excited about attending! I learned so much last year!