It’s two months until the big event, so we’re officially throwing open the doors to register for Edcamp Boston 2011. A few things you need to know:
- Tickets are free
- Tickets are limited to 200 participants
- Breakfast is included
- Lunch is included
- Tickets are still free
- T-shirts will be available in limited quantities.
- You have the option of donating $10 (plus Ticketleap fee) to Edcamp Boston. If you donate the $10, you will be listed as an Edcamp supporter on our sponsor page. We will also put aside a t-shirt for you in your size. If you don’t want the t-shirt and purely want the money to go to support Edcamp, say so when asked what size you want.
- Did we mention that tickets are free?
If you like free events where you are guaranteed to learn a ton, then click on the button below or to the side to register.
Update 3/16: SOLD OUT!
Register for Waitlist
I have registered for Edcamp Boston but now have to Un-regoster as I have a wedding that day – Drat! Glad to hear that EdCamp Keene is coming though.
So, please remove my name from the list of registrants. Thanks.
Gail Poulin
Gail Poulin recently posted..The Secret Of Roan Inish